Install and use these links to sample html layout codes:

Gemini Generated Response

**Here are several ways to customize the code for a more customizable ecommerce order status update page:**

**1. Enhanced Data Display:**

- **Conditional Display:** Show or hide elements based on order status or other criteria:

// Example: Display a "Track Shipment" button only for shipped orders
if (result.fulfillment_status === "fulfilled") {

- **Custom Formatting:** Format data as needed:

// Example: Format date as "DD/MM/YYYY"

**2. User Input:**

- **Order Number Input:** Allow users to enter order numbers directly:



**3. Visual Customization:**

- **CSS Classes:** Integrate with existing branding and styling:

// Example: Apply a custom class for styling

**4. Additional Information:**

- **Include More Order Details:** Display shipping details, tracking information, payment status, etc.:

// Example: Display shipping address

**5. Error Handling:**

- **Informative Handling:** Provide clear messages for common errors:

// Example: User-friendly error message
jQuery(".not_found").text("Order not found. Please check your order number and try again.");

**6. Asynchronous Updates:**

- **Periodic Updates:** Fetch order status updates automatically:

setInterval(get_order, 60000); // Check for updates every minute

**7. Sorting and Filtering:**

- **Allow Users to Sort Orders:** Based on date, status, etc.
- **Enable Filtering:** By order number, email, or other criteria

**8. Additional Features:**

- **Order History:** Display a list of recent orders with status updates
- **Order Cancellation:** Allow users to cancel orders
- **Order Notes:** Provide a way for customers to add notes to their orders


- **Data Structure:** Understand the structure of the `result` object returned by your backend to extract relevant information.
- **Backend Integration:** Ensure proper communication with your ecommerce backend for order information retrieval and updates.
- **Thorough Testing:** Test customizations carefully to ensure accuracy and prevent unintended consequences.

**I'm ready to provide more specific guidance if you share your customization goals and backend details.**

ChatGPT Generated Response

To make the code more customizable for an ecommerce order status update page, you can introduce parameters and configuration options that allow for easier customization. Here's the code with examples of how you can achieve this:

// Function to fetch order information
function get_order(orderApiEndpoint, orderStatusTexts) {

const shop = document.getElementById("shop").value;
const order_no = document.getElementById("order_no").value;

const data = {
shop: shop,
order_no: order_no,

fetch(orderApiEndpoint, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(data),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
}).then(function(response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function(result) {
var customStatus = result.custom_status;
var order = result.order;

jQuery('.cos_wrapper').find('#shopify_order_status_view').html(getOrderStatusText(order.fulfillment_status, orderStatusTexts));

var productDetail = '';

order.line_items.forEach(function(value) {
productDetail += '';
productDetail += '' + value.title + '';
productDetail += '' + value.sku + '';
productDetail += '' + value.quantity + '';
productDetail += '' + value.price + '';
productDetail += '' + (value.price * value.quantity) + '';
productDetail += '';

productDetail += '';
productDetail += 'Sub Total';
productDetail += '' + order.current_subtotal_price + '';
productDetail += '';
productDetail += '';
productDetail += 'Tax';
productDetail += '' + order.current_total_tax + '';
productDetail += '';
productDetail += '';
productDetail += 'Total Price';
productDetail += '' + order.current_total_price + '';
productDetail += '';

}).catch((error) => {

// Function to get order status text
function getOrderStatusText(status, texts) {
if (status && status === 'partial') {
return texts.partialFulfillment || 'Partially fulfilled';
} else if (status) {
return texts[status] || status;
} else {
return texts.unfulfilled || 'Unfulfilled';

// Configuration for order status text
const orderStatusTexts = {
partialFulfillment: 'Partial Shipment', // Example: Custom text for partial fulfillment status
unfulfilled: 'Not yet shipped', // Example: Custom text for unfulfilled status
// You can add more status texts as needed

// Configuration for API endpoints
const orderApiEndpoint = '/apps/cosapp/get_order';
const billingCheckApiEndpoint = '/apps/cosapp/check_billing';

// Event listener for document ready
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
const shop = document.getElementById("shop").value;
const data = {
shop: shop,
fetch(billingCheckApiEndpoint, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(data),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
}).then(function(response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function(result) {
if (result) {

// Example usage
get_order(orderApiEndpoint, orderStatusTexts);

In this code:

- I've introduced a `getOrderStatusText` function to handle custom order status texts based on the fulfillment status.
- I've added a `orderStatusTexts` object where you can define custom texts for different order statuses.
- I've separated the configuration for API endpoints (`orderApiEndpoint` and `billingCheckApiEndpoint`) to make them easily adjustable.
- You can now call `get_order` function with these configurations, making it easier to customize and reuse the function.